Assistance for the AIDS Village in Henan

The AIDS epidemic has been spreading rapidly in the lowest economic stratum of the Chinese society.  The desperately poor people often have no choice but to sell blood in order to support their families, and many of them contract the deadly disease through dirty needles.

Thin & High organized several visits to the AIDS Village in Henan since 2005 to understand the issues, and we were shocked to find that only 1% of high school graduates in the Village were able to attend college.  We provided financial support to the AIDS families and helped to make higher education possible for their children.  Click here to read the media report of how Han Shuling, whose parents died of AIDS, was able to start college with the assistance of Thin & High.

In July 2010, Thin & High members attended the inaugural meeting of the China Red Ribbon Beijing Forum.  The goal of the Forum is to formulate recommendations for developing China’s AIDS response by promoting active participation of government and civil society organizations as well as relevant stakeholders in open discussions on topics related to HIV and rights.